Monday, August 13, 2007

Fresh Heart, Fresh Start

adapted from Jon Walker's Purpose Driven Life Devotional.

“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” (Psalms 51:10 NIV)

God creates my pure heart, not me. It is his spirit within me that cleanses and “re-creates” my heart. It is his power, his grace, his hand, his works, his abilities, his strength that creates this pure heart.

My heart is not purified by me, by my noble efforts, by my good thoughts, by my ability to follow the rules.

The heart God creates, then, is no longer cynical or distrustful. It is no longer damaged or broken. It is a pure heart.

A pure heart is a fresh start – Ask God to create in you a fresh start. (Psalm 51:10 MSG).

these are snippets from today's devotional. actually, i haven't been reading them for a long time, but today's title caught my eyes. the content caught my heart..

O God! How many times do you have to remind me for me to remember it's not by my works? but what You have done?

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