i've now found a good time to blog. that's when stuffs get CANCELLED (omigoodness-how-annoying-is-that). i DO NOT wake up at 5.30-6 am in the morning to travel all the way up north to this hospital called LMHS to attend clinics in which:
1) is cancelled
2) is not cancelled but 70% of the patients fail to attend
3) is not cancelled but starts late
4) is not cancelled but hm, let's just put it this way, i don't get any/much teaching.
ahh.. i could've been at home studying right. or at least sleeping. haha.
anyways, it took me a long time to consider before i decided to blog about this because it's controversial lah.. but here goes...
ok guys, calm down. and before all ye people who has already picked up a stone and is ready to throw it at me. wait! and also it's not X-rated la. so don't have to close eyes/ears etc.
aih~ i just wanted to say la, in this o&g rotation is my first sort of formal sex education. we had a contraception and std tute recently, and i was like.. omigosh.. how can i confidently talk to my patients about these things when i don't even know all of it myself. i'm 24, and most of the people who would come for counselling would be in their teens or around my age.. i guess on one hand, i'm glad i'm so protected. but on the other hand. how naive can one be? it would be most embarassing to blush/feel awkward while taking a sexual history eh? it would also be difficult not to be judgmental as well.. ahh.. coming from an asian background and all..
and yeah, so while i was quite apathetic to the hype of early sex education in the past.. now i think, it's actually not a bad idea at all. i think kids should learn it the right way, rather than find out for themselves - of which i've heard some funny theories before in the past. i myself was just told, children come from God. and i remember asking my parents, err.. then how come Mrs A has a baby, but she's not a Christian also? not that i think other religions have no gods la. i was young at that time ok!! anyway, i don't think i ever got my answer until i was in form4 or something. heh.
so there.
next topic (also because i'm doing o&g now) is pregnancy.
haha.. i think those in imu knows all my "crazy" ideas of initially: NO BABY POLICY ie. adopt or nothing because SVD/LSCS is just UNTHINKABLE! stretch marks, weight gain aren't all that appealing as well.
then it progressed to.. ok fine. i'll have babies. but they must be delivered by LSCS. and also after i'm all qualified and accomplished, of course.
to now. actually, nothing much has changed since then. c-sect is still the way to go. haha.. except.. maybe, having a baby sooner than later is not such a bad idea after all. as in after getting married la of course, but not in the order of career first, family 2nd anymore.
and i guess also, i've come to this stage of life (mid twenties, quarter life "crisis") where one by one my friends are starting to get married +/- have kids, it kinda makes you think about stuffs like this too. and i know what you're thinking... NO, i am not desperate to get married. right chris? :P hahaha..
anyway, back to the topic. omigosh, after you've seen a delivery, you would so appreciate your mother/wife so much more for the pain YOU put them through, goodness gracious me. it's terrible................. *sigh* why did eve eat the forbidden fruit?? haha kidding. so human am i, pushing the blame around. but i thank God He is gracious eh? :)
ok. i'm going for a tute on vaginal examination and PAP smear now. it's going on till 8pm. wish me luck :S
p/s: and again, i'm sorry for the explicit details. i'm going through medical student diarrhoea syndrome now.