Wednesday, March 05, 2008

i'm looking for a job!

*alarmed looks from everyone*

no, i'm not crazy. just thought it'd be good if i gave it a try. since i'm considerably "free-er" (not very, but i imagine being a LOT busier after this, looking at how chris' timetable has been in paeds and lenghui in o&g) this semester than i would be next. just submitted my resume for odd jobs during public holidays and weekends. one for functions/events, another at boostjuice and gonna try out a babysitting stint too ;) any time spent is better than time spent sleeping.

**oh yeah! if you need pastries/cakes for birthdays or small parties (catering for <30 pax), i'd love to do it :) only available in adelaide!! :P drop me an email in advance - eldances[at]

p/s: elections coming!! anyone voting?? i forgot to register myself when i was back home lah :( *smacks forehead*

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