Tuesday, October 02, 2007

my phone is in hospital...

History taken from collateral, Christine (owner)

Patient Profile
Sony Ericsson Z610i is a light blue coloured handphone, 3 months in age, belongs to Christine, serves as her main mode of communication to the world.

Presenting Complaint
Patient started losing its hearing abilities (ie. receiver not working) X 1/7 (since last night).

History of Presenting Complaint
Christine only found out when Joanne called, and she couldn't hear her!!! The owner was clearly distraught and flustered. This has not happened before. She called up 3 Customer Care and was advised to have the phone was reseted, and it worked! Christine was elated. However, that didn't last for long. Sony Ericsson Z610i soon lost its hearing again. This time, nothing helped. There was no reported history of recent trauma. Christine dropped the phone once 2/52 ago.

Past Medical History

Has a slight crack across the R and L cursor due to wear and tear, patient is otherwise healthy and functional.

Social History

The patient frequently meets with other Sony Ericsson Z610i, Pink (Shiwei's) and Black (Sheelaine's) in particular. Christine often plays Tetris with it, especially when on the bus.

Physical Examination
Sony Ericsson Z610i Light Blue is the prettiest phone ever! Slight crack over the cursors. Vitals are stable, no obvious scars or deformities. Some fingerprints on the screen but that's ok.

1) Admit to ward "3 Store" X 4/52
2) Get an ugly replacement phone, like this ->

3) Wait.

I hope you come back to me soon...


living-in-the-uk said...

lol this post is hilarious!!!
good one !

Jenna said...


I suggest a day at the park to relieve your hospital stress =D

christine said...

wah, at the expense of my phone lor~ haha.. but thks! i feel like an old lady now. type one by one -_-" haha..

jenna, probably more of a psych over load ;) one day of facebook shld take care of that! :P