Wednesday, October 10, 2007

apple crumble :)

check it out! for a finished product at 11.51pm, i say it's pretty good. and it tastes better than it looks (cos my photo taking skills suck!) hehe.. this time arnd, i added some walnuts to the crumbs. to give it that extra crunch. it's yummy-licious! :)

p/s: this was birthed, thks to chuen.. who reminded me of my mountain heap of apples that are still in the fridge, un-touched! haven't been much of an apple person.. (except in desserts) don't even know why i bought them! haha!!

Recipe for Apple Crumble (improvised)

3 large apples (granny smith if u want excellent quality apple crumble, otherwise, use leftovers like mine. hahaha!!!), cut into 1 inch pieces.
2 tbsp granulated sugar
2 tbsp water
Spice? (opt) cinnamon and nutmeg goes well, just a dash!

3/4 cups plain flour
60g cold (straight from the fridge!!!) butter, cubed
2 tbsp sugar (can add more if u want it sweeter but I think 2 is enough)
1-2 tbsp walnuts (I just used what was left! haha..)
A pinch of salt

*pre-heat the oven to 180'C*
1) Place the apples into a medium pot, add sugar, water, and a dash of spice, mix well. Stew over medium heat for 15-20 mins (or until soft, not mushy!)
2) Put the flour, sugar, salt and walnuts into a bowl. Using your hands, rub cold butter with the flour mixture until it gives a crumbly texture.
3) When the apple's ready, place it evenly on a low pie dish, sprinkle the crumbles on top until it covers the apple completely.
4) Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until crumble is golden brown.
5) Serve with ice-cream or whipped cream (opt).


living-in-the-uk said...

post recipe also laaa
photo not enough la .

MH said...

yummy! can i go over to Village for some?

Chuen said...

ooh it's nice to know I contributed to that hahah next week i'm gonna plant a stash of chocolate chips in your cupboard and point out to you that you have an excess of it. then we can all enjoy chocolate chip muffins at 2am wahaha christine why are you so peculiarr!!! but don't worry i still love you !! *hug* hahaha

christine said...

hee.. i'll make again!!! and give you and abel some ;)

christine said...

recipe posted jack :P

*sniff* thks for accepting me just as i am chuen. hahaha!!

LX said...

So yummy!! I am starting to feel tempted to make some.

living-in-the-uk said...

lol thanks. nice one.
who's jack ??

christine said...

kenneth! sorry, dunno why i type jack -_-" haha.. obviously not very awake. hehe... try it and lemme know if u think it's nice too!

Kiwi-Bird said...

Nice Nice Nice!!!

Thanks for the recipe..
Maybe u shall tag this post under 'recipe' as well?

gray said...

How does an apple actually crumbles?

christine said...

datin: hehe! did u try it?? :) yeah, i shld tag my posts..
thks for the good suggestion!!

gary: it doesn't! it's the crust on top that crumbles la. aiyoh son.. let mummy teach you the ABCs of cooking la :P hehe..

christine said...

lynnx.. trY!!! and let me kn what you think ;)