Friday, August 31, 2007

Mark My Words...

I am going to start studying NOW! (ok by now, i mean after i finish this post lah. don't be so literal can?)

See, it's been a good day, I woke up early, I made a BIG BREAKFAST, ate it (of course!), cleaned my room (i can actually see my table now. whooopeeee!), had my pasta, and now... jeng jeng jeng jeng.....

STUDY TIME! from now till 6pm. before i head for OxyGen's Mamak Night.


Thks INs, Seremban peeps, Cousin Ann Jee, Ivy dear, Melbourne-ers, Jin Werne darling for your cards.. I know it's late, not because it arrived late, but because.. ehehe.. I didn't check my mail box.


ivyyy! said...

yay! you got the card (:

stardeeeeeeeee hard mommy!!

christine said...

hehe.. yup i did!!! thks dear :) miss u all.. how's imu cup & sem5 treating you?