Monday, September 24, 2007


so i'm scheduled for acis (acute crisis intervention services) today which is in..... salisbury! yup, so i was supposed to take the earlier bus, but i was too tired, so i snoozed a bit, and decided to take the second one.. plan was going on perfectly. i arrived at the bus stop 2 mins before the stipulated arrival time. good timing? yes! of course. it was the first bus stop of the journey, and it always arrive on the dot. but today, i waited for like 5 mins, then i started thinking, "oh no! what if the bus came early? i can't afford to wait for the next one cos i'll definitely be late (cos it's like half hour apart)!" so how so how??!! i waited for another 2 mins.. and decided i really did miss the bus and had to think of other options! *humdeedum*

and i suddenly thought, i know!!!! i can take the train. since i'm already halfway through the city, just walk a bit more, i'll reach the train station. yes! brilliant. or so i thought.. as i began to run...
GUESS WHAT?! the bus passes me by...... *GREAT!* anyway, it went too fast, i couldn't catch up.. (no amount of training can help, trust me)

anyway, i took the train in the end :) which was pretty good. more leg space, very clean, took only 15 mins! (minus the walking part) and yeah i got there on time. woohoo~ had a good workout!

but today at acis was a bit boring, i only went for ONE visit. that took almost 2 hrs -_-" when we came bck the registrar asked me to write an entry for the case notes.. and i passed it to her at afternoon handover. she was quite happy and said, ok! you've worked hard today.. i think u should go home. i don't have any patients to see anyway.. *i worked hard?! we only saw one patient, and i only wrote one entry*

ahh.. the difference between the two hospitals. i like the latter ;)

going to church now.. toodles~

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