Wednesday, July 18, 2007

a broken arm?

as a matter of a fact, everyone doing the rotation with me broke their arms too! haha.. kidding, we had a how-to-put-on-a-cast class! actually we all look too happy to be having broken arms. it was so so fun!! i even got to bring bck my very own cast :D

these are some of the materials we used. me & sarah, showing off our "broken" arm. we sure look happy to be having them -_-" weird medical students!

lucy & ian with TWO broken arms. poor little things.. hehe..

ok before they all start stoning me for "proclaiming stuffs" *touch wood*. we were just practicing ok..

today is a real special day.. why? it's the first time in the entire rotation history of Acute&ChronicCare1, our tutes were not cancelled! wee.. don't u think that's a reason to celebrate? *beams with gladness*

so after learning how to put on a cast, we had a tute from a rheumatology consultant which was really good! i totally enjoyed it and absorbed like a sponge.

if it's not already a good day, ian baked chocolate chip cookies for all of us! (i think he's trying to match the ones i made :P wahaha..) u still owe me a banafee pie!

and then we all headed to hungry jacks for lunch before heading for common programme. which was the first time (in months) i actually stayed awake/paid attention for the lectures! and the first lecture being cardiology, i just felt God reminding me about how he wants me to be a people-cardiologist. mending ppl's heart. although i negotiate i don't have the BEST people's skills ever.. but..

before i proceed, let me share what happened during camp...

it was during the first night, that God brought to my mind the story of the 5 loaves of bread & 2 fishes that the boy gave to Jesus, that fed thousands after that. being the irritating person i am, i actually contended with God saying that, but God, my 5 loaves of bread are fungating, and 2 fishes are rotten ones. surely, u don't want them? but God says, no.. i want all of it. It's not about what you can give. It's about what I can do with what you have. *humbled*

so bck to the point that i don't have the best people's skills..

"God use my introverted self, change me, so that people will know that it's not me. but You. if i ever turn out to be someone who mends people's hearts, whether physically or emotionally, let it be because of You Jesus. use my rotten bread and fishes (i.e. having experienced being broken), God i hold on to Your word which says,
a broken spirit and a contrite heart, You will not despise."

which brings me to another point that, I guess God confirms that surgery is not the path that I should be taking after all :)

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