Monday, April 02, 2007


we scrubbed (hmm, did i spell it right?) in today.. being our first time and all, we were excited and gungho abt it! like little kids eager to start school.. haha! well, all the glamour of being a surgeon, with gowns, gloves, scrubbing in and all proved to be a tiring task -_-" a very meticulous one at that. u have to scrub each hand 30 sec, each arm 30 sec (EACH!) and do it again! meaning each time you're involved in an operation, you have to stand over the sink and wash your hands for 5 mins, at least! and you have to keep your hands up, elbows down at all times! so that the "contaminated" water doesn't get below your wrist.. now my arms ache all over ): so lousy right, don't think i'll ever be a surgeon unless God says otherwise..

and the surgical ward is an amazing ward! we had 23 patients today, and we finished ward rounds in 1 hour! 730-830 am! the ward round finishes at the time i usually arrive when we were at medical unit!! geeZ~ see how much u achieve when u wake up early?! haha.. but it all happened in a jiffy that i was too blur to understand what was going on, like a hurricane just passed me by.

tmr's consultant ward rounds.. we have to wear WHITE COATS! like CSU sessions.. except, over here.. only the 3rd years wear white coats. haha!! well, i don't mind being younger i guess ;) well wish me the best! *fingers crossed* presentation will go alright.. by God's amazing grace!

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