Monday, March 19, 2007

a day in the life of a bum(mer)

yesterday i came bck really early from hospital, cos i was just too tired.. although it was right after the weekends. so here's how it went..

3.00 pm
came bck, threw my bag on the floor, changed into something more comfy, before i knew it! Zzz......

7.20 pm
*klink klink* woke up with a startle, 7.20!! i thought it was morning already -_-" then regained my focus.. phew.. it's PM! then.. *klink klink* i thought the villagers started eating dinner without me. and the fact that i slept for 4 and a half hours just left me quite dismayed :( so i trudged out, only to realize, the guys were still cooking. ha~

8.00 pm
washed the dishes.. went bck to my room.. bathed, online for a little while..

10.00 pm
ok! time to study.. read-up on one of the research papers.. again, Zzz..................

12.00 am
argh.. fell asleep again! forces eye wide open.. tries to read until..

1.00 am
i can't take this anymore.. time to sleep.. Zzz.....................................

6.15 am
*alarm rings* (3 phones btw..) slaps all the snooze button.. alternating between the 3 phones. only wakes up @ 7.00 am :( sleep so much still wake up so late.. sigh..


anyways, went to hosp, still groggy and all.. tried very hard to stay awake for the renal transplant meeting. thank goodness i wasn't sitting in front of the camera today. i always fall asleep! geez.. cos they have this teleconferencing between 3 hospitals about their patients. and it's not very good to see your face up there, dozing off eh? i had my caffeine as back up today, so that was good..

and for the 1st time in 2 weeks.. i managed to stay long enough to complete the ward rounds! it's not that we have many patients.. just very uh... slow. o_O but it was really good today.. :D we had a session with prof ruffin. and then dr simon koblar. both amazing drs.. they're so so so nice. have always enjoyed their sessions. inspiring.. and then i wanted to go bck to my ward to clerk a patient for presentation but she had visitors so i thought i had better not disturb.. so dejectedly, i looked at her case notes.. then the other team's registrar + rmo who looked absolutely flustered came..

and said: we've had 6 new admissions today! he exclaimed.. are u doing something very important now?
me: uh, no.. (what kinda important things would a medical student be doing to turn down a registrar?????)
bobby: ok, can u run to ward m2 and write an admission note for this patient?
me: *gasp* me?!
bobby: yeah, just write anything you want, some story.. thks!
me: oh.. ok.. runs to ward m2..

*disbelief* the reg actually asked me! anyway, hope it wasn't too much of a story but useful facts about the patient..

and so it was time to go home. i thought i was gonna be left alone.. haha.. cos i did tell the rest to go first since i might be running late. but nice enough, the rest were still at the bus stop. we usually walk back after the bus ride.. but being the bum i am.. (and thankfully chelsie was with me too) we decided to wait for the free bus.. which never came.. sigh! doesn't pay to be lazy eh? cos we had to walk back in the end.

but WHO on earth would give up a FREE bus ride and walk? huh? huh? you only walk when you have no choice right?????

haha.. actually, i just don't want to admit, that i'm lazy.. i'm glad i have chelsie to back me up each time. still think taking the bus rocks! :D


Anonymous said...

yeah, totally agree with you about taking the bus.

Saphion said... what did you end up writing? It's so nice to hear that you're getting more and more closer to a dr's life ;p while i'm still bumming here..

So if there's a need to write this post, it's me ;p wasting my time in KL!