Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sticky Date Pudding

ernestine introduced me to this new vocabulary "sticky date pudding" during my first few weeks in Adelaide. after hearing SOOOO much abt it, I finally tried it (after SIX months?!!) at hsien fei's farewell lunch (Charlie's). IT WAS SOOOOOOO GOOD! but by the time i was done with main course, there was none left!! (I only had a small bite of the pudding from someone else..)

so, being very very very unsatisfied.. i searched high and low for the perfect sticky date pudding recipe. somewhere during the course of my search, i had sticky date pudding (during halfway dinner) that kinda satisfied my cravings for awhile. but it wasn't as good as the one at Charlie's. it was on ONE very special night, that i decided, i couldn't take it anymore, I HAVE TO MAKE IT! and that was yesterday, when we had steamboat.. wahaha!! i took the opportunity to try it out. TA-DAAA.......

the result of my sticky date pudding. yay! so happy la :)

1 comment:

me said...

I'm making a shoutout......
Christine's sticky date pudding is sooooooo good!!!!!!
(When I say nice means nice!!)
I'm blessed.