Saturday, March 24, 2007


nope.. not imu ball 2006, although that was something to reminiscent abt..

i'm just feeling emotional that's all. must be the mamak food that we had, making me feel nostalgic and all.. (oh yeah, paradise's OxyGen - overseas extraordinary youth generation had his "mamak night" event where we had nasi lemak, roti canai, teh tarik etc) pictures are with steph, because yours truly DID bring her camera but left the BATTERIES behind. how intelligent eh?!

anyway, yeah, here are some pictures that reminds me of the great times! great friendships! and how much i miss all of it..

my 3-year apart twin brother.. we happen to both be chris :D celebrating our 21st/18th birthday..

flowers! they never fail to make me smile.. God knows.. that's why He created em ;)

presents!! it's always fun to open them.. most of all, i miss my house.. the melawati one. don't know why somehow got a lot of kam cheng with that house.

i miss spageddies in s'pore.. thks to aaron who first introduced it, i fell in love with that place ever since.. the tiramisu, yum~ creates wave of nostalgia i tell you..

the silly things scholars do.. toys'r'us seems to be our favourite hang-out.. missing our childhood? i miss the worry-free days, for sure!

and stuffing ourselves silly with unhealthy artery clogging fast food. i tell you, carl's junior should be sued for serving such big portions. they definitely play a role in the conspiracy of high incidences of obesity!

my b-02-4 housemates.. i miss you all so so so so so so much!

and the INs.. *sniff* me shed a tear thinking of the good times!! and reading the notes that you gave.. and lay in has a new english name :D shirlyn! still and IN.. hehe.. INs forever..

i miss cf.. i miss the wonderful people.. i miss being a part of such a great ministry God has placed in IMU.. but i'm glad to see that it's getting better.. God is indeed so so good :D CF camp coming up soon.. remember to sign up :) i had a good laugh watching the promo video.. good job son ;) it's on youtube. click on the link below..

keep up the good work guys! i'm always praying along with you..

i miss this!

i miss these people even more!! i miss the kiasu-ness when we play.. the teasing.. the darts hitting the floor.. and the darts hitting the white board which drives deva crazy :P i think i've got another picture of my other dart buddies somewhere.. i'll have to dig em up some time.

of course, who canNOT remember our SS moments.. (as in syiok sendiri) i obviously look quite retarded.. that's why i can never act! or at least pretend to..

it's not that i'm not fitting into the life here and all.. it's just different.. but it is comforting to know that despite all these changes.. God is my constant :D

today was a pretty good day actually :) we had a mock osce (specially catered for the imu students). it was really nice of them to organize one, not counting the fact that IT IS a SATURDAY MORNING! ha~ oh well.. but being the good students we all are.. we went. hehe.. so here's what happened:

struggles to wake up.. finally up at 7.00am. we all leave the house at 7.35am. which is pretty good for a saturday morning. uses the new 'shortcut', walks to north terrace like we always have, but we encountered some "obstacles" along the way.

obstacle no1: uniSA's doors were all closed.. WHY? cos it's a saturday.. no one goes to uni on saturdays!!!
obstacle no2: 3 detours before we arrived at the bus stop (it was already 7.49am. usually the bus comes at 7.50am)
obstacle no3: there's no sign of a bus!! we waited until 8.10am (we're supposed to be there by 8.15am)
obstacle no4: no cab wants to stop for us, and the call centres wouldn't pick up the darn phone!
obstacle no5: parting with our precious money (when we finally managed to get into the cab)

the hospital was spooky and quiet when we arrived.. even drs don't go to work so early on a saturday! except for the kind drs who actually availed their time to give us an osce. imu won't even push our osce to saturday because that would overwork their lecturers.. all in all it was a good experience, at least we have some idea of how their osce works.

we headed for lunch, did our groceries and surprise surprise.. yours truly had an afternoon nap. ahhhh... bliss!

woke up in time to get ready and go for Mamak Night! :D and the rest is history..

daylight saving ends tomorrow.. which means.. i get an extra hour of sleep AND i'm one hour closer to Malaysian time :) weee........... and yep, i've changed my HP number :) i won't disclose it here.. but will tell everyone over time.

Tomorrow's SUNDAY! whoopeee... have a great one.

1 comment:

Saphion said...

Hey dear..miss all you loads!

CYin's looking for an english name too ;p