God has come to give us life. No no no! not just life, but life abundantly! I checked the Oxford for the meaning of the word abundance and it goes something like this: very great quantity, more than enough, overflow, excess. Notice that it doesn’t say life is going to be easy, smooth sailing or without hitches. Anyway, if our lives were to be a bed of roses, I suppose we wouldn’t really appreciate the roses – its scent, beauty (I hope it’s not too profound). It just says that it is more than enough. To me it means living a life that counts for something (to me, it’s Jesus), then, you have really LIVED.
My emotions have been very jumbled up recently, with confusion, doubts, nostalgia, fear, happy, thankful but at the same time depressed, tired and lonely. It’s quite hard to explain really. It’s even harder to express.
Being a Christian does not mean I’m exempted from the “woes” of the world. I face exactly what everyone face. The only difference is that, no matter what my moods are, I know that my God is right there, holding my hands, and giving me that extra grace to see me through. I am not perfect, that’s why I need God to help me live that abundant life.
Psalm 51:17 A broken spirit and a contrite heart, You will not despise. Thank you Jesus for taking me as I am.
This week, with all the emotional highs and lows, the verse that I felt God strongly speaking to me is Romans 8:28 – All things work together for good of those who love Him and are called according to His purposes. All things – good things, bad things. Only GOD can work these things for our good. I found that really amazing. Y’know, it’s not hard for the world to make good things better, but only God can make even bad things good, just because He loves us. Period. Everyone desires to be loved. And I’m so glad He loves me so much, to be interested in my life.
Having experienced all these for myself, I found it very disturbing, and heartaching when I think of those who are undergoing depression. It often goes unnoticed, or shoved under the carpet. It remains a social stigma. What’s worse is, you don’t know what to do. Or people just bear with it, treat the symptoms but that isn’t really solving the problem is it? I know the answer to the problem – God. But they don’t see it? Or do they but refuse to accept? To dwell in self-pity is the saddest thing that one can ever experience. With all this confusion in my mind, I asked a lot of whys!!!! God why this, why that? Why make people suffer like this? God, You promised abundant life!!!!
And God said: Love them.
Me: But… It’s so hard God. They don’t even want to help/love themselves. They just allow themselves to dwell in negativity.
God: I know, that’s why you should love them. You’ve experienced it yourself. It’s so much easier to love the love-ables. Anyone can do that. But it takes a heart of compassion to love the “unlove-ables”.
Me: Sigh… But I myself get depressed when I try to.
God: I came to seek and save the lost. Do as unto me, and not to men.
Me: I can’t do this on my own.
God: That’s why I am here, to give you the strength.
Me: *mutters* it's not gonna be easyyyyyy
God: That's why you're in medicine! :P
Hmm, maybe some of you think it’s scary to actually have “conversations” with God. In times like this, when you’re real to God, He becomes so very real to you. It is because of my personal encounter with Him that started my relationship with my best friend. If I hadn’t known Him, my path would’ve taken another turn. Talk to Him, wherever you are, and when that “still small voice” responds, you just know it.
I end my post with Psalm 89:1
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever, with my mouth I will make known Your faithfulness to all generations.
I’m still working on the 2nd part of the verse :D God give me the grace...
PTL! Indeed, he intends to give us life abundantly but sometimes things get hazy and even us can't see Him in the midst of blurness.
Hey,i really likes to read ur blogs..Keep strong.=D
hehe.. yep ur right lynn :) oh yeah, get well soon.. fran as in..?
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