what led to my profound enlightenment?? as you would have already realized, i had an abundance of marshmallows at my disposal. that calls for a mega baking session hey?
ok la. it wasn't that mega. i just made cookies. not just any cookies... cookies whose name could potentially make their way to pathology textbooks. presenting....
on the other hand, they look a bit like brain tumor-ish too. well, i'm not giving you that view in case you may decide to stay off choc fudge cookies (with marshmallows) for good!!!
description: an ulcer with a depressed crater + granulation tissue??? (cos it's a pink marshmallow muahahaha), with uneven raised borders.
ok in case you're thinking that i purposely made it look like that for educational purposes... you're wrong!!! well, all i can say it's a failed experiment with the marshmallows. cos of it's sticky nature and my unthinking mind, i mixed them all into the dough, resulting in pathological specimens. this is the proof that it was indeed a very sticky dough :P
oh but i "COP" those names already. don't you dare think of copyrighting them :P
choc fudge marshmallow ulcer.
how abt that! :P
p/s: i used 15 marshmallows this time around, i still have 78 left!!!! ideas??!!
on a sidenote, chris bought me truffles from the lovely chocolate bean!!! my fave :) woohoo!! oh how i love him! (and the truffles) hehe...