hmm.. 20 years on earth. seems like a long time eh? as i reflect back on my life..
i can never stop thanking God enough.. for the ups & downs i've been through.. for
the people He's brought into my life.. for His faithfulness towards me (even when
i was faithless & doubted Him). Indeed God is good all the time, and all the time God is good! (or as ben would put it, GiG ATT & ATT GiG!) haha..
right. so i'm bck in JB now for a wk, my last wk as a first yr medical student..
time flies!!! i can't believe i've managed to survive IMU for a year! hahaha..
amazing ain't it?? i'll be starting my 3rd semester nxt monday. n yeah, need all
the prayers i can get!! hehe.. n pls remind me to study! study! & study! thks ;)
but it'll be an exciting 21st yr ahead i believe!! i know what i want, n which
area of ministry God has placed in my heart.. i just hope i won't get distracted,
but be focused on my calling..
1) complete my medical studies (with excellent results)
2) dance for Jesus all the way! (CAMM)
3) IMU CF (the best way to reach out to the people in campus)
4) PKKII (reaching out to the children in the orphanage)
5) LifeGroup
i guess as u grow older, u assume more responsibilities (which can be a good thing) but at the same time.. ur memory gets poorer! haha.. i think i need to take gingko biloba supplements!! i left both my passports in KL!!!!! -_-" how bad can this get??
thank God foor aunties. hehe.. she'll bring one bck for me tmr. whoopee!!!
i wanna thank those who celebrated my birthday with me.. i'm indeed blessed with
all these ppl from all walks of my life.. thank you for ur prezzies as well!! love em all.. i'm sorry if i didn't manage to "jiu fu" all of u..
not forgetting.. here's wishing all the august babies a very happy & blessed birthday!!! namely, nick, ann jee, joanne, james, amy, cass, kexin, christopher, esther, li yuin, sarah, rhoda, low san, carol, joanna, aunty shirley...
oh n guess what! i got myself a new pair of specs ;) hehe.. pretty cool. it's green!!
haha.. funky eh? wanted to get this three-coloured thick plastic frame.. but, sadly they ran out of stock. saw it on the picture. haha.. anyway, i got it done in 10 mins. talk abt efficiency!
oh yes.. n i have a couple of books i aim to finish reading within the nxt 2 months (or at least start):
they are.. knowing what u believe, knowing why u believe, attitudes that attract success, choosing mr right, ECG made easy (i sure hope it's easy), Macleod's, Kumar & Clark!!! hahaha..
i think i've been cheong hei enough.. but hehe.. yeah. hope u guys don't fall asleep reading it :P signing off........ with lotsahugs, christine.