Saturday, March 26, 2005


I apologize for the, erm, stagnant blog. hehe..
Tmr's easter :) just want to share this meaningful song with all of you.

So You Would Come
Before the world began,
YOU were on His mind,
And every tear you cried,
Was precious in His sight.
Because of His great love,
He gave His only Son,
Everything was done,
So YOU would come.

Nothing YOU can do,
Can make Him love YOU more,
And nothing that YOU'VE done,
Can make Him close the door,
Because of His great love,
He gave His only Son,
Everything was done,
So YOU would come.

Come to the Father,
Though YOUR gift is small,
Broken hearts, broken lives,
He will take them all,
The power of the word,
The power of His blood,
Everything was done,
So YOU would come.

I think the song itself is self explanatory..
Jesus did it all, for us, for YOU!
& the amazing thing is this.
It's not about what you do. It doesn't matter.
It's about what HE did.. It's about His love for us.
It's all abt JESUS! It's undeserved grace.
I feel so honoured to be called His child.
Have YOU given your heart to Him?

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

all i want is freedom!!

all i want is freedom!! is that too much to ask for????????????????? *sigh*

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Love is in the Air - M1/05

don't know whether the juniors will agree with the theme or not? i'm quite sure i didnt when i was junior. haha.. master of puppets. even the theme sounds sadistic! ;) well, anyway, i survived mine! & i'm sure the juniors can too!!! yesterday it was like a 2nd orientation for me. the juniors were cleaner than me! i was cleaner even when i was junior. how on earth did this happen??? *ponders* anyway, hehe.. being senior is really a different feeling altogether, not so intimidated & vulnerable i guess.. i remember when i went for senior viva. i felt like an ant in the midst of giants!!!

haha.. monday - ice-breakers; tuesday - imcc in swimsuits; wednesday (tmr!!!) treasure hunt; friday - variety night; saturday telematch & bbq. whole wk filled!!! with so many things to dooo..
hmm, still have to see dr, send stuffs to mrs lim, i miss the clinic *sob sob* hafta come up with banner & backdrop together with hsemates. but i'm going bck nxt wk!!! ahhh.. rush rush rush. learn dance, teach dance, budget dance, do accounts.. go bck still got electives to do. philip's gonna kill me..

n i'm getting really forgetful.. i hope i won't be a "dai tau ha" & forget to do anything!! haha.. no1 on my birthday wishlist. PDA. thks ppl ;) kekeke..